The process of manufacturing a quality face mask has several factors. First, the materials used in the manufacture should be as efficient as possible. For example, an N95 mask should filter out 95 percent of very small particles. A good quality mask should be made from nonwoven material with multiple layers. A Florida Atlantic University professor studied the efficiency of different types of materials and found that many of them could offer an adequate level of protection. Then, it should be comfortable for the wearer to wear.
Moreover, a high quality mask should fit well. The nose wire should be adjustable and fit properly. In addition, the face mask should be comfortable. The face masks that are made from polypropylene should be breathable and comfortable. Lastly, a quality face mask should be comfortable and do not cause headaches or other problems. If the nose wire is too tight, you might as well choose a different type of mask.
Reviews of Quality mask manufacturers Mumbai