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Which Diamond Blades Are Best

Posted By BSP TOOLS BSP TOOLS on 2022-12-29 9:33 AM


Diamond blades are the ultimate tools for cutting hard materials such as stone, ceramics, concrete, asphalt, etc. Although we use the word “cutting,” diamond blades work by grinding material. The blades are made of synthetic diamond particles accurately mixed with various metal powders to form a firm bond. In this article, we will illustrate which diamond blades are best?

1. What to Know Before Buying Diamond Blades?

If you work in the construction industry, chances are you own a diamond saw blade or two. Cutting hard materials such as concrete, asphalt, tiles, bricks, and stone can be challenging, especially if you don’t have the right blades. Trying to figure out which diamond blade to choose among all the options can be a bit overwhelming.

2. What are you cutting?

The type of material you are cutting will determine the type of bond you are looking for. A binder is a mixture of metals that holds the diamonds together and holds them to the blade. Different bonds have different wear rates, depending on their density. Most bonds are called soft, medium, or hard. If you are cutting very dense concrete, a softer adhesive works best. This may seem counterintuitive, but you want the binder to wear out faster when cutting hard materials. This is because more diamonds are buried in the bonding material below the surface of the new blade, and as the blade wears out, more fresh diamonds are exposed. The diamond on the blade will wear, crack, or tear from the blade. Dressing right is what you’re after. If you’re cutting bricks or asphalt, you’ll want a stiffer blade. Diamonds stay cold when cutting softer materials, which helps them maintain their integrity.

When choosing the blade and determining the adhesive hardness you will use, keep in mind that it will not always be listed on the package. Usually, the packaging of the blade will clearly indicate the purpose of the blade. If the blade is used to cut concrete, the package will say concrete and show a picture of the concrete. It is also important to remember that different manufacturers list bonding strengths differently.

Bond strength can be listed as 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 5,000, depending on their maker. Some companies even color-coded the bonding hardness. Remember: the lower the number, the softer the key, and the higher the number, the harder the key.

3. What kind of saw are you using?

Each saw spins at a different RPM, and most saw blades are designed to spin at a specific RPM. Installing mismatched blades on a grinder or saw can result in inefficient cutting and may even lead to serious injury. The blade package should indicate the correct RPM range for the blade.


Above all, diamond blades have a wide range of applications, hoping the above article could be helpful for you to know some information about diamond blades. If you want to know more details about it, please click here:

Tags: diamond saw blade

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