Uterine Fibroids Can Cause Infertility: Know How

Posted By Dr. Arun Kalra - Expert Orthopedic Surgeon Dr Aruna Kalra on 2023-02-13 7:58 AM
Uterine Fibroids Can Cause Infertility: Know How


  1. What is Uterine Fibroids? Fibroids are common among women who are in the midst of having children. These are growths of abnormality that develop inside the uterus. However, they're usually non-injurious and rarely uterine cancer result from them.
    The size and locations of fibroids differ. They can be small but others are massive and distorting the uterine. Submucosal fibroids can be found within the uterus. Subserosal fibroids can be found outside the uterus and intramural fibroids can be located in the uterine wall.
    Because fibroids do not always trigger symptoms, it's feasible to be suffering from them and not aware of it. If you do experience symptoms of fibroid it is possible to notice:
    1. Heavy or protracted menstrual cycles
    2. The irregularity of the bleeding between periods
    3. A lower back pain
    4. Lower-back pain
    5. Sexual discomfort

    Infertility and Fibroids
    Fibroids can be found in a lot of women. They usually have no effect on your chances of becoming pregnant. However, they could affect fertility if you have multiple fibroids or are submucosal.
    Submucosal fibroids may make it harder for the uterus in facilitating conception and keep pregnancy going The presence of fibroids doesn't hinder the process of ovulation. The fibroid type can occasionally cause infertility, or miscarriage.
    The ultrasound device or MRI could be used in an examination of your pelvis to determine fibroids. The best treatment plan is suggested to you based on the dimensions and the location of the fibroids. It's essential to keep an check on your fibroids if you're trying to or expecting to become pregnant. The chance of having caesarean sections during labor and delivery is higher the more fibroids you have when you're expecting. If you're suffering from fibroids the chance of abruption of your placenta or premature birth may also be higher.

    The role of fibroids in Infertility
    The fertility of your child could be affected by fibroids in a variety of ways. A few examples are:

    1. Fibroids can block fallopian tubes, which makes it difficult or impossible for fertilized egg to get into in the uterus, and then implant.
    2. The amount of sperm which is absorbed into the uterus can alter due to variations in the cervical area due to fibroids.
    3. The uterus may change shape because of fibroids. They can prevent the movement of sperm or prevent an embryo's ability to implant.
    4. The presence of fibroids could alter the size of the uterine the lining.
    5. The presence of fibroids can affect the blood flow in the uterine cavity.

    Many women with fibroids can continue to carry their pregnancy until the end of their lives normally. However, between 10% and 30% of women with fibroids in pregnancy could experience pregnancy or birth problems that are related to their fibroids, for example:

    • Early pregnancy bleeding
    • The breech is presented
    • Cesarean delivery
    • Women with fibroids that are greater than 5 centimeters in diameter often experience pain.
    • postpartum bleeding
    • premature birth
    • Slow work
    • A weird placenta
    • Cervical dilating not enough

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